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Other Professional and Community Presentations

Kravitz, D. A., & Yuengling, R. (2012, June). Diversity culture - The research, the reality, and the road map. National Conference on Race and Ethnicity in American Higher Education, New York City.

Kravitz, D. A. (2010, December). Preparing students for workplace diversity: Some research implications. Building Better Students: Preparation for Life After High School, Washington, DC.

Kravitz, D. A. (2009, October). Panelist in plenary session on "Bridging the research-practice gap. In 2009 Diversity Leadership Summit and Gala: Ideas. Innovation. Inclusion. Diversity Best Practices, Washington, DC.

Kravitz, D. A. (2008, October). Panelist in plenary session on "Visioning the future of diversity management work continued - A conversation about cutting edge research and new approaches and practices in diversity with researchers, academics, and diversity practitioners. In Pursuing the Promise of Diversity Summit and Awards Luncheon, American Institute for Managing Diversity, Atlanta, GA.

Weaver, K., & Kravitz, D. A. (2006, February). Organizational diversity training programs. Workshop presented at the 27th annual IOOB Conference, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA.

Overview of organizational behavior. Presented to Shaw Pittman L.L.P., March, 2002.

Overview of organizational behavior. Presented to Northern Virginia Building Industry Association, March, 2002.

Attitudes toward affirmative action: Predictors and potential implications for organizations. Presented to the Personnel Testing Council of Metropolitan Washington, DC. November, 2001.

Chaired roundtable on Research on Affirmative Action: Shaping the "River" at conference on Psychological and Organizational Perspectives on Discrimination in the Workplace: Research, Theory, and Practice. Rice University, May, 2000.

Reactions to affirmative action. Rice University forum on Race Relations in Higher Education, associated with the forum of the same title presented via downlink by Black Issues in Higher Education. November, 1997.

Academic-practitioner (mis)communication. Houston chapter of the Association for International Human Resource Information Management. April, 1997.

Research on affirmative action. Black Student Association Forum on Race at Rice. April, 1997.

Research on affirmative action. Houston Area Industrial Organizational Psychologists. December, 1996.

Accuracy of eyewitness perception and testimony. Kiwanis of Miami Beach. June, 1992.

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